

is u all know that meditation gives u energy which make u smart and freshness to ur brain so from today tell urself and promise ur heart that u ll do meditation meditation is very simple u can do it at home or at open  space u can do it on chair as well but the amount of energy ll decrease if u do it below pyramid than the amount of energy ll increased for normally on floor

sit by kepting ur legs on one one another and without any movement
close ur eyes
think about ur breathe
SLOWLY SLOWLY u will out of ur whole body this position is called NIRMALPOSITION

watch this video and learn meditation                    

now after watching this video u will be able to do meditation

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guyz now you can download youtube videos very easily we all see the time when video downloading is so difficult but now a days its very easy download youtube videos at very high speed first of all click on the given option

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this was a fabulus job did by ptmarocts which came today with one of the intersting story or we can say that joke  read this its very laughy

7 Engineers and 7 Doctors are going from PUNE to Mumbai. So all of them gather at Pune Station. Both groups are desperately trying to prove their superiority.
7 engineers take only 1 Ticket and 7 doctors buy all 7 tickets..
Doctors are desperately waiting for TC to come……
When TC arrives, All 7 Engineers get in one toilet SO when TC knocks, one hand comes out with the ticket and the TC goes away….Doctors say “Dekh lenge”
NOW on return Journey All of them don’t get a direct train to PUNE.So they all decide to take a Passenger till Lonavala, as from there they can easily get a LOCAL to PUNE
Doctors decided, “this time we will prove that we too are equally SHAANE”….All 7 Doctors take 1 Ticket, Engineers don’t buy any ticket at all!!!!!..
One engineer gets out and knocks the door of Doctors toilet, One hand comes with the tickets, he takes the ticket and comes in engg Bathroom…
TC DRIVES out ALL the doctors from the toilet and they are heavily fined……..

SO now both the group are on LONAVALA station. Doctors planning their move for last chance, they board the local to Pune.
This time doctors decide that they will play the same (1 ticket ) trick.
ALL Doctors take 1 tickets…Engineers BUY all 7 tickets this time…
SO TC Comes.. All Engineers show their tickets….. & Doctors are still searching for toilet in the LOCAL train!!!!!!!!

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save your android mobile battery

Hi there.i am rahul ur friend 
You all are now equipped with the smartness and u all desire a smart phone these days.
And ANDROID is no doubt is big smartness logo this time.
  • Big screen
  • Hundreds of apps
  • Many widgets
  • Music
  • Wi-Fi
  • Radio
  • GPS

and all and the silent hero is behind the scene is your phones battery.
So it may be last thought of yours but be the perfect smart be the eco friendly be the long time smart. So here are 7 tips how you can save your Android phones battery and continue to enjoy longer than anyone else. So lets see how to be an intelligent user
So here we go 

Select the Energy Efficient apps
Since you owe an android no doubt you have enormous way to explore and u can have millions of application as your choice but never be harsh to your battery. Many of your android apps drain the battery and make you stand with the discharged box that is useless in way not even for call. Better you select the apps and use it for the concise time so that you become not only a smart phone user also a smart user. Applications which turn the screen light on for long time which requires GPS and other radio services must be used for the minimum time and after use it should be turn off.

Display of your phone:
Big screen. Touch and capacitive interface bright set for daylight. All this sucks your battery but don’t compromise with the performance as well.
  • Use the Minimum timeout for screen so that it doesn’t let on and leaks your battery
  • Use the app that doesn’t keep the light on for long time.
  • Use the energy saving mode for best performance
There are many apps that adjust the brightness of your screen as per the brightness outside. Go for them

Check for unwanted features
Check the unwanted features of the phone that u are not using but it’s still running on your battery like Wi-Fi searching Bluetooth and GPS.
Turn GPS on 5 min before you need it otherwise it’s your smartness to turn it off. Turn the UMTS/HSPA(3G) mode off if not using it. Work in GSM mode when not using the Packet Data service

Quit Apps after use:

Many of apps after using is kept behind running resulting the Processor to add some processing there and on other apps also affect the more battery uses. So better to turn the application off properly after the uses.
Widgets!! Limit it:
Live wallpaper may look good but it’s not energy efficient so thing of it Android phone support lots of life saving widgets on the home screen. They all are useful but if you are using a lot of them that may cause the drainage of your battery. Use the minimum widgets and from the trusted vendor

Updates Off:
In your widgets and email services turn on the frequent update of mail checking and 24x7 chat. Use the 1 hr duration for checking mail and do it manually if u wanted to update it also weather update and all other update that uses the Packet data as well as the battery. Be smart and feel free to be a smart user.

Videos and Games:
It’s never a good experience to watch the video on tiny screen but still if you love to avoid the many video storage and Games on the phone as they require high processing and don’t use specially when you are traveling. Use the Radio and MP3 in such a case. And use the Camera and video recording with care and quit after use.

In Critical:
Most of the android phone alert you when the battery level is at 15-20 so its time to be more intelligent do the following
-switch to GSM mode
- switch to low brightness
-use the dark wallpaper
Turn of off the
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/Home Screen widgets and music and all until you find a source to recharge.
see a video

Feel free to Be Eco Friendly and Intelligent Friend of your smart phone.
Comment what else you do to save tour battery. i would love to hear from your end.
have fun Friends.

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How to Silence Your Computer’s Startup Sound and Boot Like a Ninja

How to Silence Your Computer’s Startup Sound and Boot Like a Ninja

We've all been there: you're starting up your computer at night, or in class, and you cringe in embarrassment as your computer's startup sound reverberates loudly through the room. Here's how to prevent that from ever happening again.

Silence or Change the Startup Sound in Windows

How to Silence Your Computer's Startup Sound and Boot Like a NinjaLuckily, Windows gives you a number of easy options for tweaking your system's startup sound. To tweak it:
  1. Click on the Start menu and type "personalization" into the search box. Hit enter to go to the Personalization panel.
  2. Click on "Sounds" to enter the Sound preferences.
  3. Uncheck the "Play Windows Startup Sound" box at the bottom of the window. Hit OK. When you restart your computer, it shouldn't make any noise when you log in.
Alternatively, you can scroll down the "Program Events" window and find "Windows Logon". From there, you can choose a different sound from the "Sounds" dropdown list, or hit Browse to choose one from your system. It won't silence it, but if you just want to change it to something a bit more subtle, you can do that here too.

Silence the Startup Sound in OS X

The startup chime in OS X is a bit more obnoxious sounding, and quite a bit harder to turn off. Courtesy of Cult of Mac and the book Mac Kung Fu, here is one way to silence your startup chime. You'll need to be comfortable with a bit of Terminal work, but when you're done, it'll automatically mute your computer on shutdown and unmute it when you boot back up.
  1. Open a terminal and type in nano. Press Enter.
  2. Type this in the nano editor that pops up:
    osascript -e 'set volume with output muted'
  3. Press Ctrl+O, then type in ~/Documents/mute.sh when it asks you for the filename. Hit Enter to save the file. This puts the mute script in your Documents folder (don't worry, we're going to move it later).
  4. Next, we're going to create a second, slightly different script. change the second line in the script you just made to read unmuted instead of muted:
    osascript -e 'set volume with output unmuted'
  5. Press Ctrl+X, press Y to agree, then type in ~/Documents/unmute.sh for the file name. Hit Return to save the new file, and nano should quit.
  6. Run the following commands in the Terminal, hitting Enter after each one:
    sudo chmod u+x ~/Documents/mute.sh
    sudo chmod u+x ~/Documents/unmute.sh
    sudo mv ~/Documents/mute.sh /Library/Scripts/
    sudo mv ~/Documents/unmute.sh /Library/Scripts/
    sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LogoutHook /Library/Scripts/mute.sh
    sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook /Library/Scripts/unmute.sh
  7. Close the Terminal and reboot your machine.
That last block of commands made your mute and unmute scripts executable, then moved them to your Library folder and set them to run when you log in and out, respectively. You should notice that when you rebooted, you didn't hear the startup chime, and that setting should persist.
To undo these actions, just run the following two commands in a Terminal window:
sudo defaults delete com.apple.loginwindow LogoutHook
sudo defaults delete com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook
That's it! From now on, you'll never embarrass yourself in front of your classmates, your sleeping roommate, or anyone else that might be annoyed by the loud noises involuntarily coming from your speakers.
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some super hit messages

you all are thinking that rahul is always talking about computer internet tricks but today i am with more i m with plant of superhits messages enjoy these messages share this messages and send these messages via mobile

Friendship Lives Inside A Room
It Has A Door
The Door Has A Key
The Key Is Trust
If U Lose The Trust
Friendship Can Never B Found
if u like this message then share this and follow me
Birth is start of life
Beauty is art of life
Love is part of life
Death is last of life
Friendship is heart of life
Love you friends
if u like this message then share this and follow me
 Made No Resolutions For The New Year.
The Habit of Making Plans,
Criticizing, Sanctioning
And Molding My Life
Is Too Much of
A Daily Event For Me
if u like this message then share this and follow me
Attachment Is Not When
Two People Chat Day & Night.
Its When Someone E-Mails U
And Adds An Image Or Data File With It.
That File Is Called Attachment
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Now, Birds R Silent.
Buterflies R Hanging..
Sun Is Sleeping
Moon Is Watching U, Sshhhhhhhh..
Its Time 2 Sleep,Close Ur Eyes..
Sweet Dreams..
if u like this message then share this and follow me

Night Is A Theater
Is A
Is The
Is The
The Hero
The Night With Sweet Dreams...:-)
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Boy: your teeth are like the stars
Girl: awww ... Thanks
Are they that much pretty ?
Boy: no, far away from each other.
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Life never seems to be
the way we want it,
but we live it in the
best way we can.
There is no perfect life but we
can fill it with perfect moments
if u want daily msgs of different type then join us on facebook fast 10000 peoples join be the first
ptmarocts facebook

Tips & Tricks for Better Google+ Brand Pages

9 Tips & Tricks for Better Google+ Brand Pages
This article is a follow-up to our earlier post How to Use Google+ to Promote Your Product or Service.
In social media, Google+ brand pages are the way of the future. Using Google+ brand pages, you can create an informative, interactive profile for your fans on Google+ to connect with you. Few companies today are taking full advantage of what Google+ brand pages have to offer.
The easiest way to access your brand page is to go to your own Google+ page. Just click the drop down menu under your username to switch to your brand page’s view. Here you can edit the page, add people to circles and post status messages.
Here are top 9 tips & tricks for using Google+ brand pages to their full potential.
#1 – Creating an Easy to Reach URL
By default, Google+ gives you a custom URL that’s fairly difficult to read or remember. For example, your URL might be something like “plus.google.com/8723570370197390157.”
To make this easier for people, create a redirect on your own website to your Google+ brand page. For example, people should be able to reach this page by going to www.yourwebsite.com/googleplus/
You can also use Google+’s URL shortener to create a better URL on Google’s domain.
#2 – Add Buttons to Your Site
Want to make it easy for people to find your Google+ page on your site? Want to put live feeds of your status updates on your sites? Want to make it so people can re-post whatever you said with one click of a button?
It’s easy. Just add the respective Google+ buttons or widgets to your site. Access these under the “Get Started” menu in your brand page.
#3 – Don’t Share Your Visitor Count for the First Few Months
If you see that a page only has a handful of visitors, chances are you’re not going to want to visit that page. In other types of social media, like Facebook or Twitter for example, there’s not a whole lot that you can do about this.
However, with Google+, you can choose to hide your follower count. While this isn’t a good long term strategy, it can be very useful in the short term.
#4 – Give Great Resources
Google+ gives you the ability to add as many links as you want to your profile. The links can point back to content on your own website or to other people’s sites.
Make liberal use of this feature to point your users to the best possible resources for their problems.
#5 – Upload Stellar Photos
Some people like to interact with brands through status updates, but a lot of people prefer to use photos. They get much more of d=visceral experience from seeing photos of an event or of a product than just reading a description.
Upload professional photos to your Google+ page to create a more lasting impression
#6 – Scan Your Circles Regularly
When someone adds you to their circles, you’ll have the ability to then add them to your circles in return.
If you don’t add someone to your circles, they won’t see anything you post. If you have people who’ve added you but you haven’t added them back, you’re “wasting” social goodwill.
Make it a habit to check your friends list regularly and add people who aren’t already in a circle.
#7 – Segment Your Readers
Perhaps Google+’s most powerful feature is their ability to segment where each post goes. You can post different things to your list in New York versus San Francisco. You can say one thing only to newcomers and different things to long time followers.
Use circles to craft the most powerful message possible for each group of your audience.
#8 – Hide Tabs That You Aren’t Using
By default, Google+ chooses what tabs it displays along the top of your profile. If it’s using tabs that you don’t want to be there, you can choose to disable it.
Just click on the specific tab and uncheck the box that says “Show this tab on your profile.”
#9 – Post Regularly
Much like any other kind of social media, Google+ has a running feed. If you post often, you’ll ensure that your content will frequently land in front of your visitor’s feed. If you don’t post often, your page won’t be on your visitor’s radar at all.
These are a few ways you can make sure you have a top notch Google+ brand page. Spend some time perfecting your Google+ page. After all, Google+ is the fastest growing social media network in history.

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include these things in your social media marketing

I) What to Include In Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
An effective SMM strategy will leverage all quality online social hubs where users and customers meet and converse. A good SMM portfolio includes a presence on diverse and multimedia social sites. Let’s take a look at the key elements of a good SMM strategy.
  • Social Networking Sites
Social Networking SitesThere are various social networking sites where you can create profiles to connect with your target audience directly. Create a Facebook fan page. Create tweets and retweets on Twitter. Create your organization’s profile on Linkedin. According to statistics released by Facebook, the social networking website has around 500 million active users, of which around 50% log in every day for commenting or browsing. A Facebook fan page thus makes a lot of sense to reach an active online audience. On the other hand, Twitter has real time updates and news-worthy tweets that even search engines show in their search results. The tweets about your products are quickly read and responded to by other users. A Twitter account to respond to and create a buzz about your product is therefore essential. Linkedin is accessed by a variety of professionals and businesses looking to connect and research for work and business. Hence, a Linkedin account for your organization is great for networking within the industry or with vendors.
  • Blogs, Microblogging
engadget_logoBlogs give you a wide platform to talk about key issues. Blogs are also a great way of bringing traffic to your main website. For an effective blog, you need to post fresh and relevant content frequently, monitor and respond to comments, create internal links, and build a community of loyal readers. Microblogging through sites like Twitter also lets you send short, crisp updates.
Some famous company blogs are www.engadget.com, googleblog.blogspot.com, blog.facebook.com & en.community.dell.com/dell-blogs/default.aspx. If you want blogs related to SEO, you can check out searchengineland.com, www.seomoz.org/blog or www.searchenginejournal.com.
  • Online Videos
Online VideosWebsites like Youtube have created a whole new arena for multimedia interaction. Sharing and viewing videos is now, not just an activity enjoyed by individuals for their own pleasure, but also a great way for an organization to share information about its products. Organizations have found sharing interesting and related videos on Youtube to be a great way of ensuring continual, sustained interest of the target audience. You can upload interviews of your top management, share presentations, or even share videos of social or business events in your organization. When Intel uploaded fun and digitally enhanced videos of its Consumer Electronics Show exhibit, it not only created a buzz but also ensured users got to know about its new Core Duo processor.
  • Photosharing, Slide Sharing
Photo Sharing Sites Like FlickrSharing relevant and interesting images with your user base also helps in creating pleasant, long-term associations. The images can be about widely anticipated events like a product launch, celebrity associations, or the organization’s internal events. Websites like Flickr have an active user base and can be leveraged for this purpose.
Slide sharing, on the other hand, directly appeals to the user’s needs by sharing information that they need and would use in their business. If your organization has conducted any good-to-know research, you can share the findings online. You can also share your presentations, slides, and reports through websites like Slideshare and Scribd.

  • Podcasting
itunes_podcast_iconAs per Podcast.com, “Podcasting is the method of broadcasting audio files over the internet which can be downloaded and listened to via your computer and/or portable music player. The reason why podcasting is linked directly with the name iPod is due to strictly to the familiarity of origin of the word wherein people first began downloading music audio files to listen to them on their iPods.“. Podcasting can help you reach more users to promote your products and services. Many users find podcasts a great way of staying in touch with new developments while on the move. Websites like Blip let you conveniently share your podcasts. Other famous podcast sites are podcast.com & Apple’s Itunes Podcast.
II) Points to Consider Before Formulating a Social Media Marketing Strategy
The sites mentioned above are very useful and can change the path of your organization towards tremendous success. However, if done without proper planning these same sites and strategies can backfire as well. The most important thing for you to do before you begin charting out an SMM strategy, is that you first need to fully understand the status quo of your organization’s online presence. Here are a few things to consider before you formulate a social media marketing strategy:
  • Analyze your online presence:
o Use metrics to find out more about your online presence. You need to ask questions like: What is the total count of visitors on my site? Where do they come from? How many of them are directed by search engines?
o Find out how often your website gets linked by other sites.
o Check how often you post fresh content.
o Find out if you have an active presence in target markets.
o Rate yourself vis-à-vis your competitors in the online environment. Find out what your competitors are doing better than you, and also what you are doing better.
o Check your status on social networking sites. Do you have a presence already that needs to be optimized? Or, do you need to start from scratch?
Analyze your position
  • Define and analyze your target audience:
o Check where your target audience generally interact more.
o Check what keywords they are using.
o Find out what they need, and where their interests lie.
  • Identify and analyze what you want from your SMM strategy:
o Check the enthusiasm and commitment of your top management and marketing department for having a dedicated SMM strategy. In case the commitment seems inadequate, discuss and educate till you get a dedicated and informed agreement.
o Assign responsibility to the correct department, whether it is PR, marketing, communications, or other. Create a team with well defined goals regarding your SMM strategy. This may mean creating micro-goals like number of blog posts per week, time duration set for responding etc.
o Study the existing sites and find out where you need to focus your attention the most.
o Create measurable target goals of what you want to achieve from your SMM strategy.
III) Monitoring Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
For your SMM strategy to pay you long-term dividends, you need to make sure you have practices and checks in place that ensure efficient execution and a quick response. The following measures will help you ensure responsiveness and professional interaction:Monitor your progress closely
  • A query, tweet, or a comment requiring clarification on the Facebook page, blog, or other portals must be replied to within 24 hours.
  • Blog posts, tweets must be of high quality and value and/or knowledge enhancing. The content in your posts should be good enough to get linked by other sites.
  • Blog posts must be frequent enough to sustain interest.
In case of critical comments, it’s better to respond to them immediately and fairly. Negative comments need not always be deleted or removed. If you suspect trolls or deliberate misinformation, one way of ensuring more transparency is by creating a Login requirement for posting comments on your blog

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powerfull tips for bussines from facebook

                            Finding a 
facebook-art-marketing-webinargood place to showcase products

, services and websites for free in the online world is a dream for everyone – Facebook has made this a reality. With half a billion Facebook users and thousands of online communities to choose from, Facebook has brought potential customers much closer to you.
It’s no big secret that Facebook can help you in online marketing. However, I know there are many of you who believe that just registering on Facebook is enough… it’s not. Your Facebook success story ends before it even begins!
There is much more to marketing on Facebook than just creating a profile.  Keeping your fans engaged is the key. Don’t be a brand, but be a community they love being a part of. In this article, I’m going to tell you how you can use the medium of Facebook to increase your customer base as well as retain the ones you have!


1.   Facebook Profile: By creating a profile for yourself or your business, you are establishing your identity. This will take you a long way in developing relationships with fellow users and in positioning your business. You profile lets you interact with people on a personal note, more so if it’s a local business. Here are some aspects of a profile page:
o    Profile Picture: Always put your best foot forward, which means usMAC profile pice the most flattering picture as your profile picture.  No matter what they say, a book is judged by its cover. I came across M.A.C makeup’s profile and thought it was really catchy with the colors used on the face. Hundreds of indifferent people with little time to spare are going to decide whether to add you based on your picture. So, make sure you get this one right!
o    Add Friends: After creating a profile, don’t wait for things to Facebook-Network-Marketinghappen. Add new friends every day and the word will spread that you’re on Facebook. Before you know it, you’ll be starting your day by accepting friend requests! However, make sure you don’t add more than 25 – 30 people a day as excessive adding can get your profile removed from Facebook.
o    Wall: This is your main platform to interact with Facebook users. Post messages on your wall and also comment on members’ activities, though, only when relevant. A cafe once commented on my status when it was something about food. And there! A personal connection was built in a second! I knew that I was going to visit this place more often. However, make sure you don’t spam people every other day or they may remove you from their friend list.
o    Photo Albums and Videos: Photos and videos are a great way to showCW-STM-vintage-albumcase the latest collection of your product. I know many people who love to see what goes on behind the scene during a photo shoot or while a baker does his magic in the kitchen. Moreover, the first thing most Facebook users check are photo updates. So take that camera and start shooting!
2.   Fan Pages: Facebook Pages, known as Fan Pages, are designed for businesses, brands, companies, products and celebrities. It enables public figures, organizations and other entities to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook. You can encourage users to become fans of your page and share information with them by uploading pictures, videos, status updates, hosting discussions and displaying wall posts. Unlike Facebook Profiles, Pages are visible to everyone on the internet and are generally better for long-term relationships with your fans, readers or customers.

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good byeee
bajpai's group