Showing posts with label how too. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how too. Show all posts


save your android mobile battery

Hi there.i am rahul ur friend 
You all are now equipped with the smartness and u all desire a smart phone these days.
And ANDROID is no doubt is big smartness logo this time.
  • Big screen
  • Hundreds of apps
  • Many widgets
  • Music
  • Wi-Fi
  • Radio
  • GPS

and all and the silent hero is behind the scene is your phones battery.
So it may be last thought of yours but be the perfect smart be the eco friendly be the long time smart. So here are 7 tips how you can save your Android phones battery and continue to enjoy longer than anyone else. So lets see how to be an intelligent user
So here we go 

Select the Energy Efficient apps
Since you owe an android no doubt you have enormous way to explore and u can have millions of application as your choice but never be harsh to your battery. Many of your android apps drain the battery and make you stand with the discharged box that is useless in way not even for call. Better you select the apps and use it for the concise time so that you become not only a smart phone user also a smart user. Applications which turn the screen light on for long time which requires GPS and other radio services must be used for the minimum time and after use it should be turn off.

Display of your phone:
Big screen. Touch and capacitive interface bright set for daylight. All this sucks your battery but don’t compromise with the performance as well.
  • Use the Minimum timeout for screen so that it doesn’t let on and leaks your battery
  • Use the app that doesn’t keep the light on for long time.
  • Use the energy saving mode for best performance
There are many apps that adjust the brightness of your screen as per the brightness outside. Go for them

Check for unwanted features
Check the unwanted features of the phone that u are not using but it’s still running on your battery like Wi-Fi searching Bluetooth and GPS.
Turn GPS on 5 min before you need it otherwise it’s your smartness to turn it off. Turn the UMTS/HSPA(3G) mode off if not using it. Work in GSM mode when not using the Packet Data service

Quit Apps after use:

Many of apps after using is kept behind running resulting the Processor to add some processing there and on other apps also affect the more battery uses. So better to turn the application off properly after the uses.
Widgets!! Limit it:
Live wallpaper may look good but it’s not energy efficient so thing of it Android phone support lots of life saving widgets on the home screen. They all are useful but if you are using a lot of them that may cause the drainage of your battery. Use the minimum widgets and from the trusted vendor

Updates Off:
In your widgets and email services turn on the frequent update of mail checking and 24x7 chat. Use the 1 hr duration for checking mail and do it manually if u wanted to update it also weather update and all other update that uses the Packet data as well as the battery. Be smart and feel free to be a smart user.

Videos and Games:
It’s never a good experience to watch the video on tiny screen but still if you love to avoid the many video storage and Games on the phone as they require high processing and don’t use specially when you are traveling. Use the Radio and MP3 in such a case. And use the Camera and video recording with care and quit after use.

In Critical:
Most of the android phone alert you when the battery level is at 15-20 so its time to be more intelligent do the following
-switch to GSM mode
- switch to low brightness
-use the dark wallpaper
Turn of off the
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/Home Screen widgets and music and all until you find a source to recharge.
see a video

Feel free to Be Eco Friendly and Intelligent Friend of your smart phone.
Comment what else you do to save tour battery. i would love to hear from your end.
have fun Friends.

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How to Silence Your Computer’s Startup Sound and Boot Like a Ninja

How to Silence Your Computer’s Startup Sound and Boot Like a Ninja

We've all been there: you're starting up your computer at night, or in class, and you cringe in embarrassment as your computer's startup sound reverberates loudly through the room. Here's how to prevent that from ever happening again.

Silence or Change the Startup Sound in Windows

How to Silence Your Computer's Startup Sound and Boot Like a NinjaLuckily, Windows gives you a number of easy options for tweaking your system's startup sound. To tweak it:
  1. Click on the Start menu and type "personalization" into the search box. Hit enter to go to the Personalization panel.
  2. Click on "Sounds" to enter the Sound preferences.
  3. Uncheck the "Play Windows Startup Sound" box at the bottom of the window. Hit OK. When you restart your computer, it shouldn't make any noise when you log in.
Alternatively, you can scroll down the "Program Events" window and find "Windows Logon". From there, you can choose a different sound from the "Sounds" dropdown list, or hit Browse to choose one from your system. It won't silence it, but if you just want to change it to something a bit more subtle, you can do that here too.

Silence the Startup Sound in OS X

The startup chime in OS X is a bit more obnoxious sounding, and quite a bit harder to turn off. Courtesy of Cult of Mac and the book Mac Kung Fu, here is one way to silence your startup chime. You'll need to be comfortable with a bit of Terminal work, but when you're done, it'll automatically mute your computer on shutdown and unmute it when you boot back up.
  1. Open a terminal and type in nano. Press Enter.
  2. Type this in the nano editor that pops up:
    osascript -e 'set volume with output muted'
  3. Press Ctrl+O, then type in ~/Documents/ when it asks you for the filename. Hit Enter to save the file. This puts the mute script in your Documents folder (don't worry, we're going to move it later).
  4. Next, we're going to create a second, slightly different script. change the second line in the script you just made to read unmuted instead of muted:
    osascript -e 'set volume with output unmuted'
  5. Press Ctrl+X, press Y to agree, then type in ~/Documents/ for the file name. Hit Return to save the new file, and nano should quit.
  6. Run the following commands in the Terminal, hitting Enter after each one:
    sudo chmod u+x ~/Documents/
    sudo chmod u+x ~/Documents/
    sudo mv ~/Documents/ /Library/Scripts/
    sudo mv ~/Documents/ /Library/Scripts/
    sudo defaults write LogoutHook /Library/Scripts/
    sudo defaults write LoginHook /Library/Scripts/
  7. Close the Terminal and reboot your machine.
That last block of commands made your mute and unmute scripts executable, then moved them to your Library folder and set them to run when you log in and out, respectively. You should notice that when you rebooted, you didn't hear the startup chime, and that setting should persist.
To undo these actions, just run the following two commands in a Terminal window:
sudo defaults delete LogoutHook
sudo defaults delete LoginHook
That's it! From now on, you'll never embarrass yourself in front of your classmates, your sleeping roommate, or anyone else that might be annoyed by the loud noises involuntarily coming from your speakers.
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