
Secret Hidden wallpapers and videos in Win7

Secret Hidden wallpapers and videos in Win7

Hello , my new post is about getting secret wallpapers and videos fond in all windows 7 PC , they can be located in a hidden directory , don't panic they are in ALL windows 7 PC , all versions

An the Good part is that there are a total of 30 HQ wallpapers and 8 video clips , Now why they are hidden ?

Wallpapers - The wallpapers are hidden as they are arranged according to countries and there are set of 6 countries namely Australia , Canada , United Kingdom , United States , South Africa , So the moral behind the name of countries is that if you installed windows 7 and set the location according to the above countries you would get these wallpapers as themes in personalization option

Videos - These videos are played in the background to test the performance of your PC during the System Assessment Test , or known as windows experience index

Locations to them -

  • for country related wallpapers - "C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT" , since it is an hidden folder , so you need to copy and paste the path for better access , after opening this folder you will encounter 6 folders like MCT - xx where xx is the code name of the country , now discover the hidden wallpapers
  • For Videos goto - "C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT" and you will find 8 video clips , most of them are of the cyclists but the main difference between is their codec and resolution
  • Last but not least , last wallpaper is of sunflowers , to get it
  1. Goto start menu < all programs < Windows Fax And Scan tool
  2. When this application will open , close it I am n't kidding
  3. Goto My Documents and open Scanned Documents Folder and the sunflower would be shining there ,
Enjoy and amaze your friends , good luck

best wishes

vishnu bajpai

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